
Cherax quadricarinatus, the Australian redclaw crayfish is a freshwater native species of Northern Queensland and the Northern Territory of Australia. Redclaw crayfish is known to have a simple reproductive cycle and can grow quickly due to highly fertile. It can breed naturally in hatchery and very tolerant of a broad range of environmental conditions and changes but preferred temperature range between 23 ºC to 31 ºC. It will perish at 36 ºC and reproduction will only occur while water temperature remains above 23 ºC. Female redclaw brood their eggs for six-ten weeks, depending on temperature. Most produce between 300 and 800 eggs per brood. There may be between three to five broods during the breeding season. Hatchlings resemble the adult form and remain attached to the underside of the female for several weeks before progressively becoming independent. With these features, it has become a highly popular aquaculture for commercial farming in Australia.

Arbaah’s mission

Our mission is to supply the crayling stage and juveniles throughout the world market with production over 4 tonnes per months by using smart farming technique.


In Malaysia, the redclaw is locally known as freshwater lobster due to its lobster-like appearance and habitat. The Malaysian equatorial climate is very suitable for tropical freshwater crayfishes including the Australian redclaw crayfish. Following the fact that C. quadricarinatus have traits that are appealing for aquaculture industry and highly demand around the world, only small-scale aquaculture is produced in Malaysia. This industry is still new and unpopular among local culturists. We take this opportunity to boosting Malaysia aquaculture industry.
Aquaculture industries always bring environmental issue to the country by introduced a new species to the local environment. As concerned to this problem, we take the initiative by applying a smart farming technology that is environmentally friendly to our hatchery.

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Our hatchery

Our hatchery is one of the biggest hatcheries for redclaw aquaculture in Malaysia. It is built in an indoor and closed-system culture unit with not only focusing on broodstock and adult redclaw production, but also in research and development. Consist of 3 buildings including management office, breeding, nursery, grower sections and laboratory facilities. For breeding section, over 1000 tanks are equip with each tank contain 3 males and 5 females. As much as 16 ponds with 40ft x 40ft size are used for crayfish nursery and 42 ponds with 80ft x 40ft in grower section.